ELM (Educational Leadership & Management)

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ELM (Educational Leadership & Management)

ELM (Educational Leadership & Management) provides a strong framework to support the effective continuing professional development of candidates. They help candidates to:

  • engage critically with relevant concepts, principles, theories, and best practices from around the world
  • apply new ideas and approaches in reflective practice in their own teaching and learning context
  • formatively evaluate experiences to plan further development
  • transform the quality of teaching and school leadership to improve the outcomes of students.
ELM (Educational Leadership & Management) has been designed to be integrated into schools’ professional development planning, activities, and culture. They help schools to improve through cost-effective, sustainable programs that benefit teachers and their students. They demonstrate to parents, the school community, and stakeholders that the school values and nurture staff development.

Course Detail



Qualification Code


Class Level



6 Month

Certification Entity       

Majma ul Madaris

Course Name

Educational Eldership and Management


At least 16 years old

Minimum Percentage

Minimum 50 % in any undergraduate program

Average Fees Incurred




The Syllabus has been designed to help leaders develop their professional thinking and practice, and enhance their:
  • knowledge, skills, and understanding of effective leadership
  • leadership practice
  • school and its effectiveness.
Leadership matters: it makes a difference to the quality of learning and teaching and the performance of schools. Today, we can identify the key ingredients of successful leadership. We can learn from educational research, including studies of school leaders in action in different countries and in high-performing school systems. We can also learn from research and experience outside education. These qualifications help practicing leaders to study what is known about successful leadership; to focus on the key ideas and challenges, leadership theories, strategies, and actions of highly effective leaders; and to develop their reflective practice as leaders. They encourage leaders to:
  • increase their knowledge and understanding of successful leadership
  • develop their leadership skills
  • self-evaluate their approaches to leadership
  • reflect on their leadership practices
  • enhance their performance as leaders.
The Certificate and Diploma are grounded in the idea that leadership learning is an active process. Practicing leaders do not passively receive information and knowledge, but construct it for themselves and examine ideas and insights in the light of their own experience and behavior. The content explored in the qualifications is used to stimulate thinking, challenge candidates’ assumptions, and shape their leadership practices. Both qualifications place a strong emphasis on increasing candidates’ knowledge and understanding of effective leadership. This will improve their own practice and the performance of the schools in which they work.

The Certificate and Diploma are for those who have a leadership role in schools, but also those who work in school districts, regional centers, or other parts of the educational system.

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