Project Document Centre for Teachers Training

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Project Document Centre for Teachers Training

The Center will be a place for teachers’ capacity building. It will provide short and long-term diplomas and certificates along with designing Training Modules in a collaborative environment with the help of existing faculty, professionals, volunteers, etc. The modules guiding lines will be Islamic Spirit, Teaching & Ideology.


Establishing an Educational Capacity Institution 

Mission Statement

To train world-class teachers and managers who are passionate about education and learning, so in turn, they can inspire and help the related stakeholders to be the best that they can be.


Our vision is to provide capacity-building opportunities for educational excellence through quality resources, dedicated staff, and continued mentoring supports.


  1. To develop the institution into a center of academic excellence.
  2. To develop cognitively enriched, effectively trained, morally upright, socially committed, and spiritually inspired teachers.
  3. To provide opportunities to obtain valuable information about teaching techniques and skills.
  4. To facilitate Human Resource Development in the field of Education and Research.
  5. To create a strong affinity towards the Islamic and National values.
  6. To equip the teachers with the skills and information to create an eco-friendly atmosphere in educational institutions.
  7. To develop God’s messengers with ever-widening thought and action.
  8. To guide our trainees in the attainment of professional competency to cope with the rapid advancement in the field of Education and Technology.
  9. To make our teachers capable of giving precise educational treatment for every individual student need.
  10. To lay stress on self-learning and individual development.
  11. To give special emphasis on the four icons-learning to learn, learning to do, learning to be and learning to become.


  1. Training of the Trainers (TOTs)
  2. Short & Long Term Professional Development Programs
  3. Modules Development
  4. Research & Innovation

CTT Role and Responsibilities

The center will be responsible to carry on the following roles and responsibilities;
  1. Managing Complete Administrative Structure
  2. Offer long and short-term diplomas and certificates for teachers’ professional development.
  3. Conducting Orientation Workshops, Seminars, and Conferences for Faculty Empowerment
  4. Arrange sensitization sessions to address the issues concerning education and its development.
  5. Support the professional development of faculty and technical support staff involved in teaching e.g. newly inducted faculty including teachers, established faculty.
  6. Encourage research and innovation in the teaching-learning process. 
  7. Will be responsible for the curriculum design, training modules, research, content management & publication.

Project Execution Planning

  1. It is recommended to execute the Teachers’ Training Plan into three stages.
  2. 1st Stage - In the first phase, teachers of Al-Sirat School System will be trained. This will provide an ideal system that will serve as a demonstration laboratory for future training courses. This model will help the future candidates to observe the skills practically and practice the skills and competencies, for which they have been trained.
  3. 2nd Stage - In the second phase of the project, one to three months training programs will be offered. During the commencement of Phase 1 and the starting Phase 2, all the resources required for teacher training must be acquired.
  4. 3rd Stage - The project plan will be fully activated and functional after completing Stage one and to. In Phase 3, the institutions will offer the Degree Programs based on more than two years. Prior to the commencement of Project Plan III, the institution will have to take the necessary steps to join/affiliate government institutions or universities.

Core Administrative Structure

  1. President.
  2. Centre Director - The Centre will be led by a Director. See attached job description.
  3. Advisory Board - The Advisory Board, selected by the Director, should include professional staff from related units, e.g. faculty, volunteer, educationalist (as appropriate).  The Advisory Board will support the Centre leadership team in strategic planning, expanding to new initiatives. 
  4. Principal - The Principal will lead the overall administrative structure of the proposed CTT and will be responsible to ensure that the CTT is running smoothly.
  5. 5 departments are proposed for a smooth operation. The number of employers will be need base and as par workload. At the initial stage, the existing staff will be utilized. Each employee will work under a certain Job Description, mentioned in the appointment lette. This Teachers Training Center will be run under the following management.

Reporting Structure 

The Centre Director will report to the Chairman/President of the Board of Director. It is strongly recommended that at least one monthly meeting should be held between the Director and Chairman/President to ensure that significant progress is made toward the achievement of the Centre's aforementioned goals. 

Frequency of Meetings

At least one month is mandatory for both the Principal and the department head to review and determine the progress against miles stones, project development, and challenges against their targets, plans, and roles assigned. At the Department's Head Level, the entire decisions, roles assigned will be recorded in a Monitoring Template linked with Online Data Base Management.  The principal will chair one monthly meeting and share its meeting minutes with the Chairman and Director Trainings.

Proposed Training

CTT will provide 4 types of training and sensitization opportunities;
  1. Long Term Training – (Between 6 Months to 2 Year). For detail CLICK Here.
  2. Short Term Training – (1 day to 3 Months). For detail CLICK Here.
  3. Seminars – (1 day)
  4. Workshops – (Between 1 to 3 days)
Seminars and Workshops will be need base. CTT will conduct Seminars and Workshops to sensitize Parents, Students, and Staff towards their effective role in strengthening the existing education system, moral character building and other educational issues relates to the entire stakeholders. 

Long Term Training – (Between 6 Months to 2 Year). 

  1. BTC (Basic Training Certificate)
  2. CLET (Certificate in Latest Educational Techniques)
  3. ELM (Educational Leadership & Management)
  4. ETT (Elementary Teachers Training)
  5. ITT (Islamic Teachers Training)  
  6. JBT (Junior Basic Training)
  7. MET (Montessori Teachers Training)
  8. NTT (Nursery Teachers Training).
  9. TTPG (Teachers Training for Parents Guiding)

Short Term Training – (1 to 5 days) 

Short Term Training will be categorized into three groups.
  1. Nursery Level
  2. Primary Level
  3. Secondary Level


Proposed Training






STT for Professional Teaching


Multiple Intelligences - Using MI to make classes more interactive & interesting





Learning Styles - Understanding Learning styles and how we can maximize learning using this understanding





Thinking Skills - What are they and how we can use them inculcate them through our classroom





Active Learning - Methodologies to make teaching more interactive, involving & more meaningful





Cooperative Learning - How to get the get best out of peer to peer interactions and to multiply learning using groups





Organizing Learning - What to use where - to enable effective understanding and recall.





Understanding and working with Higher order thinking skills





Developing and using Creativity in learning





Using Art, color, clay & sand for effective learning





Language Development in Early Childhood / Middle School





Making Mathematics more meaningful





Brain based learning & Study Skills





Using Story telling / doing in learning





Understanding Activity Design





Using Experiential and Integrated design





STT Understanding Child


Understanding Emotional needs of a child





Working with acceptance and Intentions





Understanding and Developing high Self-esteem





Developing Life skills or success skills





STT for Effective Classroom Management


Cooperation - Effective Methods to solicit cooperation from children in the classroom





Disciplining in the classroom - Alternative to punishment that works





Communicating to motivate children: Bring the best out of students by simple changes in our communication





Circle Time - using group dynamics for learning





Creating stimulating yet enjoyable physical, Mental and Emotional environment in the classroom





STT for Specific Subjects


Spellings  - Strategies to enable children to learn write and remember spellings correctly





Science is looking, doing, concluding - Let each Science class be an active exciting journey for children. Experience science all around you through the activity-based workshop.





Language Development – the natural way – Joy of knowing and using a language is the key to learning the language. Genie kids approach is to simply follow the natural way in which we use the language and learn it on the go.





Make Moths a pleasure to teach and exciting to learn - Activities that connect Maths to real life.





Unravel the Mystery of History - If History is exciting is what you want the children to say, this workshops show you a simple but extremely effective way to make history fun.





Geography is all around us - A workshop that shows teachers how geography is best learned through events, landmarks, and experiences all around us.





STT for Teacher (Self) Development


Discovering one’s potential as a teacher





Developing effective Facilitating Skills





Conducting Effective Sessions





Developing and Adding MY creativity to my teaching





Developing communication skills that make teachers more effective





Frameworks of my mind - helping me relax, enjoy and give the best to children.





Becoming the favorite teacher of children



Workshops and Seminars

  1. Seminars – (1 day)
  2. Workshops – (Between 1 to 3 days)
Seminars and Workshops will be need base. CTT will conduct Seminars and Workshops to sensitize Parents, Students, and Staff towards their effective role in strengthening the existing education system, moral character building, and other educational issues relates to the entire stakeholders. 

Teachers’ Assessment Procedure

It is assumed that three types of teachers will approach;
  1. Trained teachers who are job seekers.
  2. Untrained teachers who are looking for a job.
  3. Ordinary students who are eager to hone their teaching skills and wish to be certified teachers.
A compressive and realistic teachers’ assessment system will be advised to check the existing skills of the applicant. This has been explained below.

A self-assessment form will be given to the trained teachers which will be based on the required skills, indispensable to be a teacher. In the light of the information received from the applicant, he/she will have to go through the screening process that is designed to test student success in the current training system. For untrained applicants, three training levels (nursery, primary and secondary) has been advised. 

A general scrutiny system will be designed to test the general aptitude of all applicants, which will be related to the knowledge & intelligence of the applicant and the qualities without which a teacher is incomplete. Read this article “10 Qualities of a Good Teacher” to know more about these features.

Use of Information Technology

The entire system Training Institute will be linked a “Training & Learning Management System”, which Log In excess of the entire Stakeholders e.g. Admin, Teachers, Staff, Parents & Teachers.  This “Training & Learning Management System” will be equipped with the following features.

General Features

  1. Online Registration
  2. Administrators & Instructors
  3. Live Chat Setup
  4. Social Login Setup: Facebook
  5. Social Login Setup: Google
  6. SMS setup
  7. Customizing student notifications
  8. Setting up Google Recaptcha for Student Registration


  1. Managing Classes & Lectures
  2. Lecture Downloads


  1. Detail of Sessions & Courses
  2. Online Payments & Transactions Facility


  1. Adding/Editing Students
  2. Bulk Enrolling Students
  3. Importing/Exporting Students


  1. Creating tests
  2. Managing Tests
  3. Assigning Tests to Sessions & Courses


  1. Creating a Download
  2. Adding files and sessions/courses to downloads


  1. Creating Homework
  2. Grading Homework


  1. Managing Certificates


  1. Setting Attendance
  2. Attendance (Bulk)
  3. Attendance (Import)
  4. Certificate Lists
  5. Attendance Dates

Funding Sources

The proposed project will be run on the following Funding Sources.
  1. Endowments
  2. Fees
  3. Funding from international Donors.

Mile Stones


Mile Stones

The Year 2021, 22




August 21 to Feb. 22



Finalization of the Project Document










Project Orientation & Approval










Allocation of Resources and Equipment










Staffing for Module Development










Formation of Advisory Board










Identification of Training Director & Principal










Project Orientation to the Relevant Stakeholders










Staff Training for IT Skills, Research and Module Development










Module Development










Execution of 1st Stage










Staffing of Master Trainers










On Job Training










Execution of 2nd Stage










Ongoing for 6 months










Execution of 3rd Stage










Staffing for Management to run the institution










On going









To download the Project Document, CLICK HERE
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