Kinds of Misbehaviour

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Kinds of Misbehaviour

Off-task Behaviours


  1. Lack of interest, discipline, cooperation, etc.
  2. Absence from class
  3. Drop out
  4. Bad result


  1. Introduce innovation & creativity
  2. Alternative lesson plans
  3. Organise yourself
  4. Well planned and focused
  5. Motivation & Encouragement
  6. Personally involvement
  7. Repeat classroom instruction continuously
  8. Ask for help from your colleagues
  9. Consult parents

Power Seeking Behaviour/ Attention Seeking Behaviour


  1. Break discipline
  2. Dictatorship
  3. Spoil environment
  4. Create problems


  1. Moralise
  2. Present Models
  3. Appreciate when he or she is on-task and cooperating
  4. “Catch them being good!” – and let them know you caught them
  5. Use innovative teaching techniques
  6. Direct involvement
  7. Open discussion
  8. Encouragement for any contribution
  9. Allocation of duties

Shyness or Silence - Lack of Participation


  1. Damage personality
  2. Dangerous for integrated development
  3. Inferiority complex
  4. Spoils academic excellence


  1. Personal involvement
  2. Friendship
  3. Change teaching strategies from group discussion to individual written exercises or a videotape 
  4. Encourage strongly for any contribution 
  5. Involve by directly asking him/her a question
  6. Make eye contact
  7. Appoint to be a small group leader
  8. Acknowledge comments made
  9. Give the person individual attention during breaks

Talkativeness/ Sharpshooting / Hyjeckors


  1. Wastage of time
  2. Drags from useful topics
  3. Disagreeing with everything
  4. Make personal attacks


  1. Never indulge in “DEBATES”
  2. Give limited time for expressing viewpoint or feelings
  3. Make eye contact with another participant and move toward that person
  4. Say: "That's an interesting point. Now let's see what other people think." 
  5. Explain that this is a joint learning experience
  6. Redirect question to group or supportive individuals 
  7. Acknowledge positive points
  8. Starts with such remarks;
  • "You are entitled to your opinion, belief or feelings, but now it's time we moved on to the next subject," or 
  • "We'd like to hear more about that if there is time after the presentation." 
  • "I appreciate your comments, but I'd like to hear from others"
  • "It looks like we disagree." 

Side Conversations


  1. Disturbance
  2. Noise
  3. Divert attention


  1. Involve in the lesson
  2. Through frequent questions
  3. Casually move toward those talking 
  4. Make eye contact 
  5. Standing near
  6. Ask a nearby participant a question

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