Job Description - Director of Training

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Job Description - Director of Training

The Director will be responsible for all functions and matters relating to Teacher Training Centre (TTC) program planning, execution and support the services within the institution. The Director shall direct the work of the faculty and administrative staff in Teacher Training Crete (TTC).

Nature & scope

In fulfilling the responsibilities of this office, the Director shall preside over all regular and called meetings of the faculty of Teacher Training Crete (TTC), supervise the curricula, courses, and methods of instruction, module development, identification of need base tracings,  research, and work with faculty for improvement; implement the purposes of Teacher Training Crete (TTC) consistent with those of the institution and the policies of the Board of Directors.


The Director may be tenured in accord with the decision of Chairman/Board of Directors or policies of the department.


The Director is appointed by the President/with the approval of the Board of Directors.

Role and Responsibilities

  1. Recommend the appointment, salary, promotion, tenure and dismissal of faculty members after consultation with appropriate unit/department heads.
  2. Serve as the medium of communication for all official business of the TTC  with employees, students and the community.
  3. Recommend the appointment, salary, promotion, and dismissal of staff in the director’s office; supervise and evaluate staff. 
  4. Exercise general supervision over the work and conduct of faculty, staff, and the students of TTC.
  5. Coordinate the curricula, courses, and methods of instruction and work cooperatively with the faculty to establish and implement processes that ensure effective instruction.
  6. Empower faculty and provide support so faculty may perform consistent with the institution mission.
  7. Administer and coordinate the program of academic advisement and semester scheduling of course offerings.
  8. Develop and plan, in consultation with the Principal an annual budget for TTC.
  9. Implementation the decision taken by Chairman/BoDs/advisory council(s), committees, etc.
  10. Prepare in consultation with faculty, an annual report for the Chairman/BoDs
  11. Perform such other responsibilities as designated by Chairman/BoDs.

Skills & Expertise

The Director of Training should have the following Skills & Expertise.
  1. Must have organisational skills to promote collaboration and teamwork within the staff, the campus, and professional community.
  2. Provide evidence of effective communication and interpersonal skills, sensitivity to and understanding of academic, socioeconomic, cultural, disabilities and ethnic backgrounds of a diverse student body. 
  3. Demonstrated capacity to build and maintain academic programming, quality curricula development, and effective motorist & evaluation process. 
  4. The position requires ability to maintain the highest levels of integrity at all times.

Education and Experience Required

    1. Must have a post graduate degree with 15 years of experience in education, project planning & execution, teachers training, module development, creative writing, qualitative & quantitative research, staff capacity building, institutional development and PME & R tools and Techniques.
    2. Over 5 years teaching experience with evidence of academic administration experience of five or more years at level of Department Head.
    3. Proven strengths in strategic planning, leadership, budgeting, and management.

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