Characteristics of an Ideal Classroom

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Characteristics of an Ideal Classroom

1.     Seating

Students are placed in seats where they can best learn, can easily interact and needy students sit near the teacher.

2.     Organisation

A system of procedures is in place and executed by students knowing what to do and when to do?

3.     Lesson Planning

Teacher operates with a sense of purpose in the classroom.

4.     Engaging

Students are engaged in the learning activity.

5.     Attribution

Students can recognize his/her strengths and operate with a can do attitude.

6.     Encouragement

Teachers encourage students to meet challenges and exceed expectations.

7.     Team work & Collaboration

Students help each other to learn while participating in learning activities.

8.     Cooperation

Students are cooperative and feels proud in helping.

9.     Respect

Student respects each other – both in personality and opinion

10.  On Task

Students are interested and focused on the assignment.

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