Training Pan - School Marketing

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"School Marketing"

Day 1: Introduction to School Marketing (Duration: 2 hours)

·         Welcome and introductions (15 minutes)

·         Icebreaker activity to foster engagement (15 minutes)

·         Overview of school marketing and its importance (30 minutes)

·         Presentation on the key elements of a successful school marketing strategy (45 minutes)

·         Group discussion: Identifying challenges and opportunities in school marketing (45 minutes)

Day 2: Branding and Image Building (Duration: 3 hours)

·         Recap of Day 1 and Q&A session (30 minutes)

·         Presentation on branding and image building for schools (45 minutes)

·         Workshop: Identifying the unique characteristics and strengths of the school (60 minutes)

·         Group activity: Developing a school brand and visual identity (60 minutes)

·         Reflection and discussion: Sharing branding strategies and best practices (45 minutes)

Day 3: Digital Marketing for Schools (Duration: 2.5 hours)

·         Recap of previous days and Q&A session (30 minutes)

·         Presentation on digital marketing strategies for schools (45 minutes)

·         Workshop: Creating a school website and optimizing its content (60 minutes)

·         Interactive session: Exploring social media marketing for schools (45 minutes)

·         Group activity: Developing a digital marketing plan for the school (30 minutes)

Day 4: Effective Communication and Public Relations (Duration: 2.5 hours)

·         Recap of previous days and Q&A session (30 minutes)

·         Presentation on effective communication strategies for school marketing (45 minutes)

·         Workshop: Developing compelling messaging and storytelling for the school (60 minutes)

·         Case studies and group discussions: Managing public relations and handling media relations (45 minutes)

·         Reflection and discussion: Sharing experiences and strategies for effective school communication (30 minutes)

Day 5: Engaging the Community and Enrollment Management (Duration: 3 hours)

·         Recap of previous days and Q&A session (30 minutes)

·         Presentation on community engagement and its impact on school marketing (45 minutes)

·         Workshop: Developing strategies for engaging parents, alumni, and the wider community (60 minutes)

·         Presentation on enrollment management and retention strategies (45 minutes)

·         Action planning: Developing a community engagement and enrollment management plan for the school (60 minutes)

Please note that the durations provided are approximate and can be adjusted as per the specific requirements of the training program.

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