Training Pan - School Management & Leadership

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 "School Management & Leadership"

Day 1: Introduction to School Management and Leadership (Duration: 2 hours)

·         Welcome and introductions (15 minutes)

·         Icebreaker activity to foster engagement (15 minutes)

·         Overview of school management and leadership (30 minutes)

·         Presentation on the key roles and responsibilities of school leaders (45 minutes)

·         Group discussion: Identifying challenges and opportunities in school management (45 minutes)

Day 2: Effective Communication and Team Building (Duration: 3 hours)

·         Recap of Day 1 and Q&A session (30 minutes)

·         Presentation on effective communication strategies for school leaders (45 minutes)

·         Workshop: Developing active listening and communication skills (60 minutes)

·         Team-building activities: Promoting collaboration and trust within the school community (60 minutes)

·         Reflection and discussion: Sharing experiences and strategies for building effective teams (45 minutes)

Day 3: Instructional Leadership and Curriculum Development (Duration: 2.5 hours)

·         Recap of previous days and Q&A session (30 minutes)

·         Presentation on instructional leadership and its impact on student achievement (45 minutes)

·         Interactive session: Exploring effective teaching and learning strategies (45 minutes)

·         Group activity: Analyzing the school's curriculum and identifying areas for improvement (60 minutes)

·         Sharing and discussion: Developing strategies for curriculum development and implementation (30 minutes)

Day 4: School Culture and Positive Discipline (Duration: 2.5 hours)

·         Recap of previous days and Q&A session (30 minutes)

·         Presentation on the importance of school culture in creating a positive learning environment (45 minutes)

·         Workshop: Developing strategies for promoting a positive school culture (60 minutes)

·         Presentation on positive discipline approaches and strategies (30 minutes)

·         Case studies and group discussions: Applying positive discipline techniques in challenging situations (45 minutes)

Day 5: School Improvement Planning and Stakeholder Engagement (Duration: 3 hours)

·         Recap of previous days and Q&A session (30 minutes)

·         Presentation on school improvement planning and its impact on student outcomes (45 minutes)

·         Workshop: Developing a school improvement plan (60 minutes)

·         Interactive session: Engaging stakeholders in the school community (45 minutes)

·         Action planning: Developing strategies for effective stakeholder communication and involvement (60 minutes)

Please note that the durations provided are approximate and can be adjusted as per the specific requirements of the training program.

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