Kids Psychology - Kids Brain Growth

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Kids Psychology

Kids Brain Growth

How to Accelerate Kids’ Mental Capacity & Brain Growth

Your son is not mentally 'fit' for our school, 'said Thomas Edison's mother.

Nevertheless, Edison's mother did not allow the effects of these ruthless words to be passed on to her son, but through the dynamism and positive atmosphere of teaching and learning at home until the age of 16, Edison became one of the brightest scientists in history. A child who was mentally inferior to a normal child became one of the most famous scientists of the century.

Remember that the brain development of young children is very fast, during this time the attitude of parents and the people around them helps to make important mental connections in children which will gradually increase their learning ability in the future. But for this, it is important that parents or those who play a role in the development of children understand, learn and try hard to implement some important things.

First of all, what are the essentials for brain development? And how can they be met? The following points may be helpful in answering this important question.

1.      Healthy Relationships

The most important thing for a growing brain is to have positive and healthy relationships with the people around it, each of which is laying a lasting impact in the minds of children for a trusting, loving and secure relationship.

2.     Positive Experiences

Allowing children to experiment freely will allow their brain neurons to make their way faster and lead the child from average to highly intelligent. These experiments can be practical, both physical and mental.

3.     Favorable & Safe Environment

The important thing is to provide a safe and conducive environment for children, where they can easily experiment, learn from mistakes and learn new things.

The most important period for children's brains

According to various researches, the first 5 to 7 years are very important for the mental development, mental speed and strong foundation of intelligence of children. This is the time when they are accumulating information in their mental processor on everything from language learning.  Although it is possible to work on children's brains faster in later years, it requires more effort, time, and effort.

Harmful Elements in Brain Development

The most detrimental factor for children's brains is the environment of 'carelessness and chaos' where there are people who care and there is no proper movement and the effects of lack of such environment can be very severe and long-lasting. The disadvantages of such an environment are as follows.

Constant stress can slow children's brain development, especially in the frontal lobe of children's brains, which helps them make decisions and cope with nervous stress and understand people.

Children from low-income families who are constantly in trouble are clearly different from other children in their structure and functioning.

Children living in a chaotic and inappropriate environment hear about 30 million less words than children living in a relatively better and more prosperous environment, thus affecting both their language skills and mental acuity.

Children who are constantly worried are weak in reading, making friends and deprived of the beauty of a beautiful childhood.

Parents’ Duty in Brain Growth

  • What can parents do in this regard? In answer to this question, parents can try to ensure the mental speed of children through the following measures.
  • Keep encouraging children with positive words, will speed up their mental development.
  • Talk to children about topics they like, ask questions, listen to poems or play a variety of games.
  • Play word games with children, teaching them the meaning of words and their use for different situations.
  • Schedule an individual 'meeting' with the children and talk to them about it.
  • Listen to children's emotions, feelings, and thoughts, respond positively and help them express their feelings.
  • Give them a project in the form of small chores, it will improve their mental ability to 'make decisions and solve problems.

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