How to Protect Your Kids from Depression?

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How to Protect Your Kids from Depression?

Duties of Parents & Teachers

Until four years ago, Ali was a very intelligent and smart student. He passed every exam with distinction. He was very good in sports ad participated fully in extracurricular activities. All of Ali's teachers were very satisfied. The parents also had high hopes that their son would not only be a successful person in life but would also be a support for them in old age. But then suddenly something happened that turned the joys of this house into sorrow. Happiness, ambition, and dreams of a better future were shattered by his life. Ali failed the matriculation exam badly. The color of the face turned yellow and the bodyweight reduced badly.

The mother thought that one of Ali's relatives from his father's side had cast magic on the child. Ali's father was an enlightened and educated man. He did not believe all this rubbish. He described the situation to a friend who suggested consulting a psychologist.

After two months of treatment, Ali restored his health and came to a normal life. It was revealed that Ali had fallen in love with a young girl. The girl refused his love. Due to this one-sided love, he became very depressed.

This is not just Ali's story but thousands of young boys and girls suffer from similar depression and become a torment for their parents. According to a research report released by Aga Khan University Karachi, depression, and anxiety are spreading rapidly in Pakistan. This is very common in the young generation. The rate of depression in different cities of Pakistan has been noted to be 22 to 60% which is highest in the most populous cities like Karachi and Lahore. According to one estimate, if the rate of mental illness continues to rise, Pakistan by 2050, will be ranked sixth in the world in terms of mental health problems.

Although the joint family system still prevails in most of the cities of Pakistan and in case of any kind of illness, the patient gets the full support of the family and relatives, but our outdated social system declares psychological and mental disorders as insanity. Instead of supporting the patient in treatment and recovery, it makes him lonelier.

Lack of awareness about mental illness in Pakistani society is one of the main reasons of depression. Here traditions, customs and opinions of outsiders are given more importance. Often psychiatric illnesses are not treated well.

What is Depression?

Depression is the name given to a specific condition in which the patient feels lonely, sad, disappointed, and failure. The disease exaggerates the negative side of events. During such a condition, if the patient is not treated appropriately, the patient's mental state begins to deteriorate, which is fatal to both his social and professional life.

Anxiety can be called the twin sister of depression. Depression portrays the patient as a failed human being, and by spreading these negative thoughts and perceptions, the patient develops a constant state of fear and anxiety. Thus the journey of progress in life stops and causes stagnation. This stagnation gradually hollows out the patient by licking his joys, dreams, relationships and loves like a termite with his abilities.

Although depression has been reported in people of all ages, reports from international organizations show that the rate of the disease among young people aged 18 to 30 has risen alarmingly since 2011.

Causes of Depression in Youth

There can be many other reasons for this, of which the following are the main.

1-Inter-family marriage

Although we are living in the digital age of the 21st century today, there is no shortage of educated families in Pakistan who are very strict on caste and against extramarital affairs. In the case of such forced marriages, the husband and wife rarely get along mentally and their children suffer from stress or strain from the beginning along with the home environment. Such children have a much higher risk of mental illness after the age of 18 because they have less ability to solve problems and self-confidence. May suffer from depression due to early stress at university or later on the job.

According to Zofshan Qureshi, a well-known clinical psychiatrist in Islamabad, depression, and anxiety are inherited diseases and can be passed from one generation to another. In addition, if the mother has been in a stressful environment during pregnancy, the effects of certain hormones on the cortisol can have a negative effect on the baby's brain. The child may suffer from a mental illness in the future, hence the risk of recurrence is greatly increased.

In addition, in the early period of 2 to 3 years after birth, if there is any negligence on the part of the parents, they will be pampered or abused too much, then such children will suffer from depression or other psychological problems.

2- Economic Problems

Economic problems are also a major reason for the rapid rise in the rate of depression in developing countries. Challenges have increased in the obsession with population expansion and lavish lifestyle in big cities. In the race for the status quo, everyone is forgetting the difference between good and evil in their obsession with earning as much as possible in a legitimate and illegitimate way. Not only is this degrading the social system but it is also increasing selfishness and selfishness in blood relations.

In such a situation, people with sensitive nature and painful heart are increasingly suffering from mental illness. Because at every turn a wolf in human form is sitting to bite him. At the same time, rising unemployment and the bad behavior of senior people or bosses in the office are causing the younger generation to become increasingly depressed. An estimated 10 out of 100 young people are being treated by a therapist, doctor or psychiatrist for their psychological problems.

3 - Generation Gap

The milestones that man has crossed in the last four, five decades in the field of science and technology, especially in the field of artificial intelligence, have weighed heavily on the overall development of the last two centuries. The revolution that has taken place in our lives due to electronic devices and artificial intelligence is not hidden from anyone. But along with the benefits of this rapid development, there are also serious disadvantages, and after the developed countries, the social system is now in rapid decline even in developing and backward countries.

Today's generation is living in a digital age. Anyone can access everything with one click or a few punches on mobile. Parents still have old values ​​and traditions. As a result, the distance between parents and children has widened. Neither the parents are willing to change themselves by looking at the tendencies of the children nor do the children want to accept their old ways and traditions. As a result, a rebellious or emotionless child is born in every home. The sole purpose of his life is to satisfy his desires.

3 - Social media

The purpose of creating Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and all other social networking sites was to bring together people from all over the world. But our young generation took them as a 'parallel life'. Everyone hides their true identity, which has increased the psychological and mental disorders in the new generation. People are not ready to accept anyone with their flaws. Distances have increased and people at home are busy on smartphones instead of sitting together and talking.

Excessive use of mobile phones is also having a negative effect on the brain. Depression and anxiety have risen sharply in the younger generation due to low endurance.

Parental Duties

Parents are not paying any attention to this very sensitive issue. Parents prefer to spend time on social media and mobile instead of understanding their responsibilities. If children have depression, it is because of parental neglect. If the parents themselves are depressed, it is because of their own stupidity. Because if the children are wrong, then it is the duty of the parents to show them the right path. If the parents have behaved stupidity, it is their duty to be wise ad recognize their obligation.

Here are some suggestions on how to save your kids from depression. If parents and teachers follow them, it will be easier to save children from depression. For detail, read the following article.

چوں کی تربیت  مِیں والدین کیا غلطیا ں کرتے ہیں؟

  • Be friendly with children so that they can share their feelings with you. There are many occasions in daily life where children are in dire need of guidance.
  • Respect the child's opinion. If he is wrong, persuade him very wisely and clearly state the difference between good and evil.
  • Keep a close eye on your child's activities. What he is thinking, what he is seeing, what he is doing? All this must be in your knowledge. Where there is a need for accuracy, act immediately.
  • Spend more time with children. This will not only take away your loneliness but also establish a good relationship with your children.
  • Parenting is a full-time activity. The slightest omission or inconsistency will not give you the desired results.

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