Kids Phycology – Eight Types of Intelligence

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Kids Phycology – Eight Types of Intelligence

Upon successful completion of the proposed training, the participants will not only be able to gain a thorough knowledge of the following topics but will also be able to incorporate this knowledge into their teaching process.

  • ·        What are the types of intelligence?
  • ·        Why do children have different personalities?
  • ·        How to choose the best career for children?

Types of Kid's Intelligence

We observe that kids are very different from each other. Each child represents his/her unique personality, which may be entirely different from his/her brothers or sisters. Some kids are very playful and perform well in sports. Some children cling to books all the time and spend most of their time reading. Some laugh and are happy in making joy with others. Why does this happen?

The answer is simple. In fact, playfulness, laughter, and reading are the different types of intelligence that are determined by the time of a person's birth. If you are familiar with the science of astronomy, it is easy for you to understand and believe in it. The time, date, and month in which a baby is born to have an effect on his personality. This time determines the type of his intelligence. If you want to identify the talents of your children, you need to see what the ruling star is according to the child's date of birth. Your child will have the same characteristics as the ruling star in your child's horoscope. After identifying the child's talent, you need to encourage the child in the same direction, which is in line with the child's personality.

These are the views expressed by Harvard University neuropsychologist and educator Howard Gardner in his book Frame of Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligence.

Howard Gardner writes in this book,

‘Each child evolves with his or her own needs. Thus, a child who does not show interest in language, for example, might have great ability in the field of mathematics and spatial intelligence.

A team of scientists has studied the human brain, which has identified eight types of intelligence. The research identified specific parts of the human brain that correspond to a specific type of knowledge. According to research, there are specific parts of the human brain that are capable of storing only certain types of information, which vary from person to person. If the same parts of the brain are used to store information that is inconsistent with its structure, the brain becomes prone to numbness, resulting in apathy and apathy. That is why some children are not good at studies but they are excellent athletes and some children are best in studies but are not interested in games and sports. There may be some good inventors but do not like either sports or studies. We have the example of Edison, who was expelled from school with reasoning of having a dull mind, but he emerged as a great inventor in the world of science.

However, scientists explained eight types of intelligence, which is described below.

1.     Logical-mathematical Intelligence

People with logical intelligence have the ability to solve "problem questioning" very easily. They solve math, puzzles, riddles, etc. easily. Such people often know the answer to a particular problem long before they say it orally. Children with this type of intelligence are good at playing mysteries or brainstorming, puzzles, logic exercises, counting or arithmetic, computer problems, and strategy games.

2.     Linguistic Intelligence

Children with this type of intelligence are interested in linguistics. Such children generally like to talk, gossip, teach, write stories and jokes, write poems, learn languages ​​and play word games.

3.     Local Intelligence

People with this type of intelligence have the ability to think in three dimensions at the same time. Such people are adept at finding solutions to local problems. Their hobbies include drawing and painting, reading maps, looking at pictures, solving forgotten cats, or playing construction games.

4.     Musical Intelligence

People involved in musical intelligence have a natural ability to learn different sounds. These people learn to sing very easily. They have a knack for composing new melodies, mastering the use of musical instruments. Such people can be very good musicians and singers.

5.     Physical kinesthetic Intelligence

These people are well versed in the mysteries of body language and are very good at using body language to express their thoughts and feelings. Hand gestures as well as eye contact, dancing, acting and imitating people, sports, etc. are all related to physical kinesthetic intelligence.

6.     Intrapersonal Intelligence

These people are very determined to do their work. They work very confidently and independently. They set their own goals and focus on achieving them. Such children fully understand their emotions and are aware of their strengths and weaknesses.

7.     Mutual Intelligence

People with mutual intelligence are the exact opposite of people with intrapersonal intelligence. People with mutual intelligence work together. They feel happy helping others. Likes to meditate and meet new people.

8.     Natural Intelligence

People with natural intelligence tend to be concerned with environmental issues, plants, and aesthetics. People with this type of intelligence enjoy activities such as camping, hiking, caring for animals, learning about nature, recycling, and caring for the environment.

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