Use of Modern Teaching Methods

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Use of Modern Teaching Methods

Over the period, the importance of modern teaching methods and education equipped with high technology is felt and hence started incorporating the new techniques into education. New methods and new technology-based gadgets have been introduced in classrooms. 

New gadgets includes Computers or Laptops with Wi-Fi Connection, LCD Projector, Interactive Whiteboards. Computers or Laptops with Wi-Fi Connection

Computers with the internet is a revolution in the education system. Higher educational institutions use computers as the medium to explain the content to the students whose computers are connected with teachers’ computers.

LCD Projector

Arranging LCD screens in the classrooms is very common nowadays. With the help of LCD screens, teachers display the PowerPoint slides prepared on a particular topic. 

Interactive Whiteboards

Whiteboards allow both teachers and students to write or draw on it by providing touch control of the computer. It is an interactive and exciting medium to use. Not only teachers but also students can explain anything on whiteboards.

Advantages of Modern Teaching Methods

Modern teaching methods have many advantages. However, these advantages are the disadvantages of traditional teaching methods.

  • Unlike traditional teaching methods, modern teaching methods are more interactive and keep students intact. It maintains the interest of students by animations and videos.
  • The visual medium is way better than any other medium to give instructions. It helps to memorize the concept fast and for a more extended period than reading.
  • Modern teaching methods are less time-consuming. Teachers take less time to cover the syllabus. Writing on the blackboard is not required.
  • Blackboard explanation of content is less explanatory than a representation of videos and animations used in the modern teaching methods.

Modern teaching methods that are being adopted in Schools:

  • Classrooms are being equipped with technology.
  • Evaluations are being done at all stages.
  • Crossover learning.
  • Focus more on an understanding of concepts.
  • Skill development and values development are put in the most crucial place.
  • Interactive whiteboards.
  • Collaborative learning
  • Emphasis on practical knowledge more.
  • Activity-based and gaming based learning.
  • Integrative and research-based learnings.
  • Use of the internet and web.
  • Collaborative learning
  • Flipped Classroom
  • Problem-based learning
  • Learner-centered.
  • VAK learning.

Being in the 21st century, there is an urgent need to introduce technological, economic, and cultural force in the education system at all levels which alter the core of the traditional educational system. Educators must figure out the ways best for learners. 

However, both traditional teaching methods and modern teaching methods have their own importance. Both are good at their period. So, declaring any way best is not possible. It actually depends on the learner and their interests. Traditional teaching methods are better for learners who want to learn basics, religions, and customs. At the same time, modern education is for learners who have an interest in science or mathematics. Although seeing the contemporary scenario, modern teaching methods are best suited. It keeps in touch with the whole world and takes the students at the levels where everyone is equal.

Integration of Modern and Traditional Teaching Methods

In the above section, we discussed the pros and cons of both modern teaching methods and conventional teaching methods. After studying, it is quite clear that the amalgamation of both forms of teaching will be beneficial for our education system. With the suggestion of combining both pedagogical techniques, the main question arises?

So, below we are suggesting the measures to combine the methods.

To explain complicated mathematical sums and solve chemistry problems, there must be a blackboard in the Classroom. And, to instruct a theoretical topic, teachers should use an LCD projector. So, use both Blackboard and LCD projectors.

By using both traditional and modern teaching methods, science and engineering like subjects can be explained very well in the Classroom. Teachers can take the help of blackboards to explain the theory. At the same time, they can use videos or PowerPoint presentations to describe the procedure.

First, teachers should give lectures on a topic under traditional methods of teaching and then incorporate modern teaching methods to revise the subject, discuss it, problem-solving sessions etc. The approach of combining both forms will be proved helpful if applied in a proper way.

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