How to Memorize a Lesson Quickly?

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 How to Memorize a Lesson Quickly?

Every student has the same question that they can not learn their lesson easily. Suggest a way to learn the lesson right away. Here are some ways to memorize a lesson quickly for the convenience of students and teachers.

1.     Use of a Timetable

This is a very good technique to set a timetable such as Maths, English and other subjects. Schedule a planned reading time according to a timetable. Generally, minds easily focused as the brai does not resist a planned activity. This way your mind will be focused and reading will not be boring. So set the time to 30 minutes at the beginning than 60 minutes after a while and gradually increase the duration. Utilize your time as much as you can do easily. Must take a five-minute break in between, close your eyes and calm your mind for a while. Long breaths can help you concentrate.

2.     Takes Notes on Important Facts

Take notes during the class lecture or reading a book. Write the questions on plain paper and then consume sufficient time to write the answers to all these questions.

3.     Teach What You Learned

A great tip for memorizing a lesson is teaching. Teach someone. All the things you teach others will be stored in your mind. If someone is reluctant to teach, stand in front of the mirror and recite the lesson to yourself.

Take a piece of paper and write down what you have read and put a sheet on the wall in front of your bed, in your room, or where you can see it easily and frequently. Seeing this paper from time to time will enable you to learn your lesson easily.

4.     Portrait the Lesson into an Image

Our minds stores information into images. If you try to memorize the lesson by making a reflection, the lesson is immediately remembered because this method is in accordance with the nature of the brain. The story is a good example to understand this. What did you remember looking at this picture?

Obviously a thirsty crow. As soon as you see the picture, you remember all the information and eventsrelated to it. I hope you have understood.

5.     Get Regular Exercise

Exercise is very important for the human body and brain. Exercise increases the heartbeat, which pumps more oxygen to the brain. As blood flow and oxygen levels in the brain increase, the production of hormones increases. It also accelerates the growth of cells. People who exercise have a better memory.

6.     Use the Real Memorization Method

Read the lesson two to three times and try to find something interesting in it. Note the key points of the lesson. Write the keywords in the book. Re-read the points you don't understand. If you still do not understand, note them. Keep in mind the main point of each point.

Use the method of linking events and information to memorize. For example, if one forgets the date of birth of the Quaid-e-Azam, he should remember it in such a way that Pakistan was founded in 1947 and the Quaid-e-Azam was born 71 years before the formation of Pakistan. In this way, you have made a connection between the birth of Quaid-e-Azam and the founding of Pakistan.

Now close your eyes and memorize the whole lesson. Then open the book and read the lessons and note what information is left. After memorizing the lesson, make sure to practice it once and then check for yourself what are the mistakes and where more work is required.

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