Bulletin Board

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Bulletin Board

The Bulletin Board is a powerful learning tool that initiates an exciting learning process for classrooms from preschool, primary, high, and even high school and beyond. The bulletin board can be used for the following purposes.
  • Provide information to students & parents
  • Advertise the artwork of the students
  • Welcome and congratulatory messages
  • Motivating the students
  • Providing a Knowledge Bank

Kinds of Bulletin Board

Bulletin boards are classified into five major categories. Each of them has a different task and requires different levels of planning and effort to set it up.

1. Decorative Bulletin Board

Turning a simple wall or white chart into a creative masterpiece comes under this category. You can customize your classroom to suit your specific topic. These topics include school return, welcome to new students, the start of the season, holidays, a hot topic, etc. 

Displaying Instructions

Decorating Bulletin Boards made by students should be displayed in corridors outside classrooms or school art galleries. It will motivate the students. No special planning is required if this type of bulletin as the students take their responsibility. Just give the students a topic and share some ideas with them. They will do the rest themselves.

2. Information Bulletin Board

The purpose of the Information Bulletin Board is to provide students with information related to education and their relevant curriculum. A teacher can use the information board for all kinds of information. For example
  • Class timetable, homework, lesson plan, etc.
  • Curriculum related to information such as story, names of colors, names of days and months, etc.

Some Idea of Information Bulletin Boards

  • Alphabets, arithmetic numbers or ABC train, trees or rows of birds ants.
  • A row of balloons tied with string in which colors, weather, days or letters, etc. are written.
  • Use homogeneous objects such as triangles, triangles, circles, etc. to provide information that contains specific information.
  • Do you know? Interesting information related to a specific article with the heading of etc.

Displaying Instructions

Informative Bulletin Boards can be hung in both the classroom and the school gallery. It is best to display information bulletin boards created by students in their own classroom. If a masterpiece is unusual, it would be appropriate to display it in the school gallery.

3. Interactive Bulletin Board

Interactive bulletin boards require group work by a team of students. It is a great way to teach children to use all their abilities, including visual, mental, creative, social, communication skills. That's why interactive bulletin boards include preschool, kindergarten, and elementary school students.
There are two types of interactive bulletin boards.
  • First - Interactive bulletin board that is updated on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis.
  • Second. An information board that does not need to be modified after completion.


  • Find a topic that matches the syllabus of your current class.
  • Determine rules and regulations based on equality.
  • Divide the students in the class equally into four groups and give the given instructions.
  • Distribute the resources needed to create an interactive bulletin board for students.
  • The teacher should be present in the classroom and assist the group where needed.

4. Bulletin Board for Parents or Visitors

This type of bulletin is for information only that relates to parents or school visitors. For example
  • Alerts regarding school hours and holidays and exams
  • Information related to school admission
  • School rules and parental duties, etc.

5. Digital Bulletin Board

You will need two hardware items to make a digital bulletin board.
  • A TV with an HDMI port or a computer
  • A media player
In the next step, you have to sign up for a free Rise Vision account here.
You can sign up for a free Rise Vision account here and easily create your own digital bulletin board with the software they provide. Choose the templates of your choice from the gallery provided. It is very easy to use all the templates. 


  • While designing the Bulletin Board, you should keep the following things in mind.
  • Make any kind of bulletin board, must set goals.
  • Use colors that give the aesthetic sense and a pleasant feeling. Colors need to be eye-catching.
  • Place the bulletin board somewhere that is easy to see.
  • The height of the board depends on the age and height of your students.
  • The main idea of the bulletin board should be highlighted in the center of the image.
  • Provide large and clear information about the emergency.
  • Inform the Campus Body about important upcoming events (graduation, holidays, finals, etc.).
  • Plan ahead for year-round bulletins. Make a list of all your activities that are specific to a calendar.

The importance of surveys

اBe sure to get feedback from key people associated with the school on what kind of information the bulletin board should contain. Send surveys to staff and ask them,
  • What you would like to see on the information board this year?
  • What information is missing in the past?
  • Was the information clear and easy to understand?
  • Was the information displayed in a way that is clear?

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