20 Brain Hacks to Learn Anything Faster

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20 Brain Hacks to Learn Anything Faster

Scientific Ways to Learn Anything Quickly

Do You Know How to Study Smart?

You are a student and want to get good marks. Do you wish to have a sharp memory to get good marks? Don't you know how to learn a lesson quickly? No doubt you are very smart and hardworking. Your concepts are also very clear. Certainly, you have the best subject notes and have the ability to understand each subject, but if you do not know how to memorize all these. Unless you don't know the basic principles of memorization, you will not get high marks in exams.

You can also be a teacher. Your students ask you the tips to learn the lesson quickly. Can you guide them? This article will show all of you the right direction.

There are about 100 billion cells in the human brain. Each cell is capable of interacting with more than 10,000 additional nerves. Our brain is capable of memorizing more than two trillion letters, mastering 40 languages, memorizing an entire encyclopedia, and taking dozens of master's degrees from universities. The tragedy is that our education system has educated teachers, piles of books, thousands of schools, colleges, and universities, but nothing is said about how to enhance mental capacity and memorization of lessons. Students do not know how to use their brains fully. Most children give up education in the middle. The teacher should guide the students, but they are also unfamiliar with the Science of Mind.

Memory-enhancing seminars, lectures, and workshops are held in developed countries and benefit not only students but also the general public. When a student is convinced that he can memorize a lot and keeps it in his memory, his tendency goes towards books, knowledge, and education. We are far from books, knowledge, and education because we are not told easy ways to remember. We don't believe in ourselves, in our abilities, and in our talents and we go far beyond the light of education. Let's learn some basic principles to improve memory.

1.     Connect  Yourself with Facts

We quickly remember things, facts, and events that involve us. In psychology, it is called I. Factor. It can be understood with an example. Suppose you take a group photo with your family. Whenever you see this photo, you will see yourself first.

The next time you remember something, add it to the characters. You will soon remember that story or event. Similarly, if you combine the facts of any kind of article and any lesson with you, that lesson will be remembered quickly.

2.      Innovation & Change

Our minds start to get bored while gathering the same kind of information. Therefore, never read the same article continuously, but bring variety in reading. While preparing a particular article and memorizing it, take the test for a couple of minutes. To relax your brain, change your subject and read another article for a while, then come back to the original article.

3.     Instruct Your Brain

Psychologists emphasize "self-guidance methods" to enhance the capacity of the mind. It is also called “auto-suggestion”. Repeat to yourself that your memory is better and is going to best. You can do this by standing in front of a mirror and looking into the eyes. When you convince yourself that you can remember a lot, this belief will work like a magic.

In one study, psychologists gave students fake pills to speed up memory. The students were simply told that these were vitamins, which would increase brain function and memory 100 times. These were not vitamins, but empty capsules. You will be surprised to know that the result was 100%.

Henry Fodd used to say, "Whether you think you can do something or you think you can't do anything, you're right."

4.     Images of Facts and Events

We remember for a long time the things and events that we have imagined in our minds. Our mind thinks in pictures. That is why the memory of the eye is 20 times more than the memory of the ear. Try to create an image in your mind to bring any concept to mind. The image and imagination will stay in your mind for a long time. I think that you will understand with the help of this image.

Hint – Learning the story – Slow and steady always wins the race.

Story Image

5.     Lock Your Brain

When you give orders to your brain, the brain does the same. The process of giving instructions and binding the brain in advance is called brain locking. We practiced this process many times in our lives but we have not considered it till today that we can also use it to learn our lesson. Let us find a few examples locking our brains in everyday life.

Order your brain to make you wake up at exactly five o'clock in the morning. Give this instruction forcefully before going to bed at night. Repeat this instruction at least five times. Keep a watch/clock under your pillow. The brain will wake you up at exactly five o'clock.

Here is another example.

When anyone settle its brain that he/she knows everything, he/she closes the doors of knowledge on himself/herself. Knowledge can only benefit a person, who feels its thirst. An empty mind for knowledge will get pearls of knowledge, whereas the person having a misconception of knowing everything, will get nothing.

In this connection, I have an example of a false saint, whose disciples or followers blindly follow him. They get the solution to their problems just by keeping this belief that their guard father can do anything. Even if this false saint gives simply drops of water, it can cure the serious disease.

If you lock the brain that a particular person is unable to give you any knowledge/benefit, although he has valuable assets of knowledge and spirituality, you will not get any benefit, as you have already locked your brain. Similarly, if you have good faith in your Guru, you will get the benefits. The advantage or disadvantage, you get, is not due to that particular individual, but due to the power of your mind.

Let’s come to the point. In the future, before memorizing any lesson, instruct the mind;

  • I will have to learn this lesson at a specific time, suppose in 30 minutes.
  • My mind will not divert me and will keep focus.
  • The lesson is very interesting and it is easy for me.
Give all such instruction, which may prevent and divert you from learning the lesson like sports, playing videos games, other activities related to recreation or entertainment.

When you have a clear set of instructions and targets, your mind must follow these. The capacity of the mind becomes active when it has a goal. Whenever you sit down to memorize, keep a stopwatch so you can speed up your learning process.

6.     Divide the lesson into Smaller Parts

Can you swallow whole bread at once? To eat it, the bread has to be divided into small bites. Our minds can't remember any huge amount of content and data at the same time. It takes children two to three years to memorize the Qur'an.

Divide your lesson into small parts. You can also make notes of the main points of the lesson. This will also make it easier to memorize lessons and save you time.

7.     Healthy and Take Proper Sleep

Your health plays a vital role in learning a lesson. If you are physically healthy, the brain will function properly and store information. Similarly, adequate sleep is also important. It will keep your brain's nerves active. Lack of sleep makes a person's nerves tingle. Sleep, relaxation you're your mind, are the friend of each other. When we get enough sleep, our brain cells are refreshed. Students should get at least 8 hours of sleep. If you are accustomed to getting up early in the morning, then you must rest for a while in the afternoon so that you will feel very light.

Many studies have shown that taking a nap strengthens our memory. But there is a condition. In fact, only those who do it regularly can benefit from it. This means that if you make it a habit to take long naps, only you will benefit from improving your memory.

8.     Using Puzzles

All the organs of our bodywork on a single principle. If you want to strengthen any part of the body, put it in the furnace of hard work related to its nature. Why are the nerves of laborers, farmers, and toilers strong? Why wrestlers have strong muscles? Why is the body of a gymnast so flexible? Why do orbiters and astronomers do amazing things? How does a singer create a melodious sound?

In order to sharpen the brain and improve memory, it is necessary to put it in the furnace of hard work. Brain teasers, mathematics games & puzzles, arithmetic questions, etc. are the best ways by which you can sharpen your memory and make your brain stronger.

9.     Attention

 The process of memorizing any information is directly related to attention. The more attention you pay, the easier it is to store information. Whenever you hear or read a lesson, you need attention to store it in your mind.

10.     Take a Break

Michael Dewar of Harriet Watt University conducted a study. They found that if healthy people took a break immediately after remembering something, they would remember it more. So, try to keep your mind quiet for a while after reading and writing something. Do nothing. This will also help to increase your memory.

Continuous and long reading affects the ability to learn or remember. Therefore, it is important to take appropriate breaks during the learning or memorization process. The average interval should be after 45 minutes of reading. The duration of rest may be at least 10 minutes. Take a 10-minute break after 45 minutes of hard work memorizing the lesson. Don't think about the lesson during this break. During the rest you can do anything of your interest e.g. listen to music, pray, having a cup of tea, listening jokes, etc.

11.     Choosing the Best Time

Choose the best time to study. It is usually good to read before going to bed. The morning time is also good. At this time, the body ad the entire muscles are in a relaxed mood. The study done at that time is perfect.

12.            Teaching

The best way to store information, or knowledge you have learned, is to pass it on to others. It does make the lesson easier to remember but also keeps the information stored in the brain for a long time.

13.            Repetition

We forget things and facts that we did not repeat after memorizing. Scientists say that after 24 hours, our mind begins to forget very quickly. Within 24 hours, 80 to 100% of the content stays in our minds. Therefore, you must repeat the lesson within 24 hours. You can memorize a lesson for several days with just a few minutes of repetition.

Repeating the lesson is a useful way to memorize it. Incorporate this method into your daily life and repeat whatever information you acquire. This keeps the knowledge safe in the brain for a long time.

14.            A Perfect Learning Technique

Repeat the first sentence over and over again. When you learn the first sentence, add the 2nd another sentence. Now repeat both the sentences. When you remember both sentences, add the third sentence as well. When you lean the 1st paragraph, start the 2nd paragraph with the same process.

15.            Importance of Glucose

The brain's diet is glucose and oxygen. Our memory improves when we take glucose-rich foods and do things that make the heart beat faster. The faster the heart rate, the more blood it will pump to the brain. During the examination, avoid taking oily and protein foods in your breakfast. Do not allow the cholesterol level exceed to a certain limit. Use more juice. Exercise regularly. Don't let blood sugar levels drop.

16.            Remember Your Past

It is often said to forget the old things and move on, but scientists believe that repeating the old things improves our memory.

17.            Draw Pictures

We often make a list of items when we go shopping, but if you want to improve your memory, take pictures of the items instead of writing them down. People who do this can notice an improvement in their memory. Even patients with dementia benefit from it.

Scientists say that when we take a picture, we think more deeply about the nature of the shape of the object. So our brain preserves this memory well. You can also improve your memory by trying this prescription.

18.            Group Study

This is a great way to memorize a lesson. Form a group of students and then start your study. All students memorize different segments of lessons and share their lessons with the rest of the group. If someone is having difficulty understanding a concept, other students can easily explain it together. Similarly, students can easily memorize all the subjects. As you write the pamphlet, you will remember that my friend told me the answer when you look at the question. One of the benefits of group study is that when a student explains a question to other students, he remembers the question well, which he will not forget for a long time.

19.            Listen to Your Recording

 It's also a great way to remember things. Keep a tape recorder or mobile phone recorder on when you learn your lessons. Your lesson will be recorded in your voice. Listen to this recording from time to time. You can also listen to this recording while traveling. Scientists say that when something is hard, it is more easily remembered because at that time our whole attention is focused on that sound and words. That's why when we listen to a song with headphones or earphones, we remember it quickly.

20.            Avoiding Sins

Avoid sins and monotony. The sins are harmful to your memory health. Therefore, it is very important to take care to avoid all kinds of sins.

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