Traditional Teaching Methods

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Traditional Teaching Methods

The traditional methods of teaching are still prevalent in most parts of our nation. In educational institutions, teachers are the only source to gain information. Teachers explain the concept to the learners with the use of blackboard and chalk. They write all the content on the blackboard and ask the students to note down in their notebooks and memorize and recite the notes. All the focus of education in these institutions is to pass the semester.

Advantages of Traditional Teaching Methods

Traditional teaching methods have many advantages. However, these advantages are the disadvantages of modern teaching methods.

·         Traditional teaching methods, i.e., classroom-based teaching, is not as expensive as modern teaching methods. So, the rural areas can practice it with no stress of finance.

·         In traditional methods of teaching, students and teachers form strong bonds, and they interact more than modern teaching methods.

·         Discipline can be maintained better in traditional teaching settings than in modern ways of teaching.

·         There are some subjects such as physics, chemistry, and mathematics that need a blackboard explanation and can be understood well when explaining on a blackboard. 

·         Technical knowledge is not needed in traditional teaching methods like modern teaching methods require a more specialized approach.

·         Unlike modern teaching methods, traditional teaching methods do not harm the eyes of students.

Traditional Methods of Teaching that are Still Followed in Most Schools:

·    Classrooms are teacher-centric.

·    The chalk-talk method is prevalent.

·    Teachers are only knowledge dispensers, still not facilitators.

·    Strictly organized and controlled Classroom.

·    No group learnings and problem-solving sessions.

·    Clearing examinations are more important than grasping knowledge.

·    Homework based education.

·    Absence of activity to sharpen the minds of students.

In traditional teachings, teachers are all responsible for learning and teaching environments. They play sole roles in making decisions and instructing students. For them, the knowledge void of students has to be fulfilled with content which can be provided only by them. Also, students are not able to interact with more students in their class as row sitting arrangements are still in use.

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