Kids Psychology - How to Build Self-Confidence in Kids?

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Kids Psychology

How to Build Self-Confidence in Kids?

Due to the sports festival, there was a lot of rush of children and their parents in the stadium, interesting sports competitions were going on among the children and a break was announced for the purpose of relaxation. During this time a program of poems and songs was started to keep the children active. The children were invited to come and sing their favorite poems or songs. However, due to the presence of hundreds of families, the children were hesitant to start. 6-year-old girl “Zahra” looked at her parents, smiled, and asked to perform. The parents happily agreed. Zahra enthusiastically approached the host who was inviting the children to poems or songs.

Zahra started reciting the poem 'Chand Meri Zameen Phool Mera Watan' in front of hundreds of people in a confident and good voice, although she did not remember it well, she performed. This lack was due to her 'self-confidence'. She completed the songs and became the source of inspiration for other children.

What is Self-confidence?

Self-confidence is actually a basic motivator for children, helping them to move forward at different times in life, to face difficulties and to set an example for others.

There is a lot of talk about self-confidence, but there is usually very little discussion about it, especially in the context of children, ignoring its meaning and significance. Self-confidence means 'personal impression', that is, 'we are about ourselves'. What do I think and feel? It is these thoughts and feelings that give a person self-confidence or a sense of inferiority.

As children get older, they begin to form opinions about themselves from the words and attitudes of others. The important thing is that the words and attitudes of the parents are most effective in forming the opinions of the children. Whether the baby is on its lap, on its knees or on the verge of adolescence, emotions such as love and affection are the most important pillars for building self-confidence, it is up to you to give your child self-confidence.

How to recognize self-confidence?

Children's reactions to different situations and events can indicate whether or not children have self-confidence. Its contradictory is lack of self-confidence, which has the following consequences in the personality of a kid.

  • Avoiding new and unfamiliar experiences and situations
  • Lack of confidence in your abilities
  • Being unnecessarily influenced by others
  • Getting upset quickly
  • Being defensive and afraid of criticism
  • Changing your appearance frequently
  • Avoid social activities

Signs of Self-confidence

Here are a few signs of self-confidence, which should be there in the personality of your children.

  • Welcoming new and unfamiliar experiences and situations
  • Be satisfied with own abilities and tasks
  • Learning from mistakes
  • Accepting positive criticism
  • Be confident in all the circumstance

Effect of Self-confidence on Kids

Self-confidence helps children in a variety of contexts and spheres, such as their behavior, their personal energy, and their ability to cope with peer pressure, as well as their learning, personal, and emotional well-being. It is also important for physical development and creativity. Moreover, it is not possible to set goals, reach them, make decision-making and solve problems without self-confidence.

How Can Parents & Teachers Instill Self-confidence in Kids

The first step towards self-confidence is to create an environment of love and care, through which the foundation can be laid to improve the child's 'personal impression', for which the following 4 important things need to be done.

1- Respectful relationship

Self-confidence is actually the name of self-respect and personal value. The most important thing you can do as a parent or a teacher is to give yourself and your children respect. Also show genuine interest in the child, such as asking the child for an opinion on various issues at home/school, respecting his opinion, even if it is against you.

Respect your child's choices, opinions, and personal belongings give them two or more options instead of imposing your authority on them, as well as giving children negative nicknames, rejecting them and living as they please. Keep the 'behavior' to a minimum.

Connect children with their positive family traditions so that they can feel strong and proud of themselves, remember that recognizing and respecting children's individuality will also teach them to respect the preferences of others.

2- Better Communication

A good relationship is essential for self-confidence and communication is a basic requirement for a good relationship. Really listen to your children because children are not stupid and when you are pretending to listen they understand, children will be able to talk to their parents/teachers only when children are confident in giving their opinion. Communicate the rules and regulations of the home/school to your children inappropriate words and accents and communicate it to the children through your actions.

3- Expressing Love & Affection

Expressing love and affection to your children/students, whether in the form of a series of words or in the form of a hug, a pat on the head or any other physical means is very important for self-confidence. Spend time each day, whether it's for 15 or 20 minutes, focusing on the children's issues and events instead of your own.

Avoid conditions with expressions of love, express love with your behavior and words even when they are not obeying you.

4 - Encouragement

Praise words and behaviors are a relatively complex process, sometimes parents/teachers make the child emotionally sensitive by over-praising, the key principle of praise and encouragement is to do it when you really want to. Do it when the child needs it. With this condition, the child is less likely to be encouraged and praised, let the child know how happy you are with his or her accomplishments, and give feedback on the child's unique abilities and characteristics.

  • Praise them for doing small chores around the house and avoid negative comments when they aren't.
  • Don't compare children with other peers, siblings, etc. It is an indication that they can never be as good as them.
  • Remember that it is not easy to instill self-confidence in children, however, parents will be able to build self-confidence in their children slowly but surely with their behavior and the above measures and tools.

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