35 Teaching Methods

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35 Teaching Methods

There are currently 5 different types of teaching methods available in the world. All these are being explained for the convenience of the teachers. Each teacher can use any method according to his / her intent and the interest of the students.

1. Story Telling Method

It provides information to children through storytelling, which is very much in tune with children's psychology. Stories about ideal personalities, social workers, kings and ethics are more effective. Its main purpose is to create motivation and interest in children. Stories need to be written according to children's comprehension and language. This method is usually useful for one-year-olds.


  • Focus on something.
  • Creativity in ideas.
  • Increase vocabulary.

 2. Text Book Method

 In it, teachers read aloud the text of the book and explain important points. Students are also given the opportunity to read the text. For this, it is necessary that the text be written in simple language. The article should be generally understood in terms of children's age. Include things in writing, printing and content that will be fun and entertaining for children.

 3. Lecture Method

This method is also called Chalk & Talk Method. In this way, teachers discuss the topic in the classroom through oral speech. They explain the title by giving examples. This is a very effective way to explain the lessons.


  • Must be systematic.
  • Be logical.
  • Being effective.
  • Great way to teach a large number.


  • Promotes listening, which is the opposite of learning by doing.
  • Teacher-focused method.
  • Does not increase student comprehension.
  • Can be a boring method

 4. Demonstration Method

It basically teaches by showing something. For example, show the globe, or map, to illustrate the world. This method is very useful for teaching science and other sciences. However, it also has some disadvantages.

  • There are very few practical activities.
  • Teaching is by observation only.
  • The observation process is done only according to the teacher.
  • Education of all sciences and arts is not possible.

 5. Tutorial Method

 In this method, students are divided into groups and the group is taught instead of the individual. It has two forms: 

  • Homogenous
  • Heterogeneous students of different abilities

 Whenever a group of students is formed, there will always be a group of students of different abilities, so that even weaker students can learn in the class.

 6. Question & Answer Method

 This method was invented by Socrates. He said that the information hidden inside us can be brought out through questions and answers. The feature of this method is that it is both teacher and student-focused method. The questions make the students curious, and the teacher's answers provide guidance to the students, increasing the knowledge of both the student and the teacher. In general, this method of teaching is very useful.

 7. Discussion Method

 It teaches through discussion on any subject. First, the teacher discusses with the students, then the students discuss with each other. Its Advantages are: 

  • It allows for open-minded discussion.
  • Leadership skills are sharpened.
  • Endurance and the power to listen to the person in front is created.
  • Students' habits and manners are measured.
  • Evaluate student feedback.
  • The ability to think logically grows.

 8. Heuristic Method 

This method was given by H.E. Arm Strong. Pollion and Dankar have named this method as Problem Solving Method. In this way, the students search for the facts on their own, analyze the difficulties encountered in finding the facts, as a result of which they arrive at the facts. In this, the students try first, there are mistakes in this effort, but over and over again, they overcome the mistakes. This method is very helpful in building self-confidence in students.

 9. Discovery Method 

It uses a method of teaching based on discovery and exploration. This method has a lot in common with the disclosure method, but there are several basic differences between the two. It is used to teach the social sciences, while the method of discovery is used to make new laws in science. The method of discovery deals with the facts of the past, while the method of disclosure deals with the present. 

10. Project Method


This theory is the religion of William Heard Kilpartrick. In it, children are given a project by which they learn new things by planning. This is a student-centered way. In it, students are given tasks that are connected to society. Students plan a project in groups. This way students develop creativity. The difference between this and the disclosure the method is that the project requires grouping, whereas in the disclosure method the students work individually. In addition, the disclosure method creates fictitious problems, while the project always has to find solutions to real problems. 


The project has four Advantages: 

  • Construction
  • Enjoyment
  • Problem Solving
  • Specific Learning 

11. Acting Method (Role Paly & Dramatization Method) 

Acting instead of speaking to learn or teach something. If a teacher or a student plays a role in it, then the rest of the students look at it carefully and keep an eye on the good and the bad. In this way students develop practical activity and the power of observation. This method is commonly used in teacher training and so on. This helps to give words an external meaning and expand the concept. Its creator's name is Jacob. L. Moreno. 

12. Brainstorming Method 

The creator of this theory is Alex Faickney Osborn, who presented it in his book (Applied Imagination). This method actually consists of grouping, in which all the group members are asked to present their ideas and thoughts on a topic by forming a group of students. Group ideas and problem solutions as opposed to one person's ideas. Searching can give much better results, it not only increases the intellectual power of the students; It also enlightens the minds of different people and creates the ability to come up with new ideas. This method is very useful for encouraging children to speak, sharing ideas, demonstrating group ability, learning from each other, boosting self-confidence, clearing students of misunderstandings, and so on. 

13. Drill Method 

In this way, the teachers who teach the rules and regulations to the students are bound to put them into practice. When students put these rules into practice in the classroom, the teachers supervise them. When students can't work anywhere, teachers help them. It builds students' self-confidence and they are not afraid to do any activity. 

14. Inductive Method 

This method was given by Aristotle i.e. Aristotle. Its founder also has the name of Bacon. It also has another name (Scientific Method). First, many examples are given in it, then a rule is told in its light. It travels information from the unknown. And the ability to think creatively. 

15. Deductive Method 

This method is also the invention of Aristotle. The rule is explained first, then the examples are given. It is a journey from ordinary to special. This saves students time and does not require much effort. But the scope of thinking is limited. That is, creative thinking does not arise. 

16. Problem Solving Method 

In this method, a problem is placed in front of the children and they are told to find a solution to it. The child tries to find a solution to the problem on his own. Sometimes students are given a hint of a solution. This increases students' ability to think. 

17. Play way Method 

The creator of this theory is Forbel Friedrich. It adopts the method of teaching sports according to the psychology of children. It is also known as Kindergarten Method. Sport is a priority while education is a secondary goal. 

18. Maria Montessori Method 

The name of the woman who presented this theory is Dr. Maria Montessori. In this way it is said that children learn through their senses eye, ear, nose, brain and touch and in the same way they can be taught. In this way, self-learning and group learning is encouraged. And the teacher guides the children properly. 

19. Dalton Method 

It is founded by Helen Parkhurst, a woman. Children are given educational tools: pens, pencils, toys, etc., and are given the freedom to do so. The children are given a set time and are asked to complete the task at the same time. It emphasizes a student-centered education system. It is also known as Liberty Method. He believed that giving children the freedom to work increases their ability to work. 

20. Activity Method 

The creator of this theory is David Horsburg. In this, both students and teachers are equally involved in teaching and learning activities. This is a student-centered approach, in which teachers encourage students to participate fully. 

21. Analysis Method 

In this way the problems are divided into smaller parts. The teacher then explains each part one by one and explains the solution. It moves from the unknown to the information. This method is similar to the detection and discovery method. This is the most helpful way to teach history. 

22. Synthesis Method 

Small problems are connected in such a way that a combination of them leads to a meaningful result. In this way information leads to ignorance and analysis leads to conclusions. The teacher presents many small pieces of information to the students, asking the students to combine these parts to draw a conclusion. 

23. Source Method 

This method focuses on sources of information, in which information is obtained from a person, book, document, photograph, and other sources. It is learned through direct action. 

24. Micro Teaching Method 

 The creator of this theory is Dwight Allen. It is a method in which students are trained to teach so that they can become good teachers in the future. The use of this method is usually b. Ed. This is done in BT etc. training. It keeps the classroom and teaching time short so that the students do not panic. It was developed in theory. In India, DD Tiwari was the first to put on a practical outfit in Allahabad. Dwight Allen talks about building abilities. The NCERT says that teaching skills are essential. It is taught for minutes. Feedback is taken for minutes. Replenished in minutes. Then the minute is read. And then minute feedback is taken. Total minute classes are held. 

25. Teaching through Social Communication (Sociometry Method) 

It was given by Jacob L. Moreno. In this way, the social relations of human beings, their likes, dislikes, and interactions are studied. It gives people likes, dislikes, rankings or numbers. It is an in-depth study of people's psychology. In the same way, children's relationships, habits and manners are studied in the same way. 

26. Program Learning (Winnetka Method) 

The founder of this theory is Carleton Washburne. This theory later became known as the program learning theory. It carries out creative activities, takes care of students' emotions and also focuses on social factors. 

27. Programmed Learning / Instruction Method 

This theory is attributed to B. F. Skinner. Scanner invented self-learning tools. In this way, children assemble educational tools. The instruments are arranged in such a way that something new is learned. Then questions are asked about it. If the child answers the questions correctly, the child is said to have learned. If he can't answer correctly, it means he hasn't learned it completely yet. Then he is persuaded to learn again. Education, instruction, and programming all work together. 

28. (Five Stape Lesson Plan Method) 

This is Herbart's theory. They set out five steps for adult education: 

  • Preparation. This is the preparation for the class.
  • Presentation. What has been prepared is to be presented to the students.
  • Relation (Association). It compares the information of the students and the given information.
  • Generalization. Different angles are discussed while expanding the information provided.
  • Application.  How much the students have understood in it, it is tested in practice. 

29. Braille Script Method 

Its creator is Louis Braille. It creates symbols based on embossed impressions, which blind people learn by touching. Embossed impressions are arranged in shapes, representing one letter, several letters, or symbols. 

30. Imitation Method 

Child psychologists believe that one of the most important ways to learn new information is to imitate. Imitation, or copying someone else's behavior, begins in childhood and continues throughout life. Children copy the way they see the people and the environment around them. Personal interest, environmental elements and habits are the basic elements of education in this way. This method of teaching is very useful for teaching children to be role models. The founder of this theory is Albert Bandura. 

31. Basic Education Method 

This is Gandhiji's ideology. He said that education should be student-focused. Education should be given in the mother tongue of the children. Gandhiji called education insurance for employees. Instead of teaching children the culture and history of others, it is important to teach them their own history and culture. There should be harmony in book education and the environment. Similarly, education should be given for free. It started with Dr. Zakir Hussain as its chairman. This ideology is known as Wardha Education Scheme. 

32. Khan Method 

Maulvi Muhammad Ismail Khan Merthi was a psychologist as well as an educator. He has done a lot of work on the children's curriculum. His theory was that children learn gradually. In the series of his book "The First Book of Urdu", he has adopted the method of teaching children first alphabetically, then alphabetically, then two-letter, three-letter, and even eight-letter words. Children should be taught subjects related to their environment. Children can be given moral and religious education through storytelling. Simple language and style are also important for children. 

33. JUH Method 

Historian of the Nation Maulana Muhammad Mian Sahib Noorullah was the Nazim-e-Ala of the late Jamiat Ulema-i-Hind. He has written textbooks and teaching methods for the Jamiat's Central Board of Religious Education. According to him, more important than the curriculum and the book is the teacher and his method of teaching. He introduced students to the basic principles of teaching, understanding the children's abilities and acting accordingly, recognizing the sound before recognizing the symbols, strengthening the imagination instead of the image, and taking an interest. Advocates for education by creating. He believes that children do not know how to sit idle at any time, so take advantage of their natural state and engage them in educational activities. Diversify engagement schedules to reduce children's stress. The letters in the children's book should be written in large and bold form because the capital letters are more remembered and remain. Maulana is in favor of teaching in Jamaatbandi. It is also helpful to encourage children. Regarding crime and punishment, Maulana's view is that beatings should be avoided as much as possible. But if the beating is necessary, it is important to strike a balance between the child's guilt and the teacher's punishment. In the same way, homework copy should be given more game format than the pen. 

34. Field Trip or Excursion Method 

In this method, children are taken on a tour, where they are asked to collect data from children on the ground. In this way, children learn as well as have fun. And observation draws knowledge from nature. 

34. Barza Method 

This is my personal way. Rakim's experience is that educating children in sports is more useful. It is important for teachers to focus on education in children's regional sports. Similarly, give priority to practical activities without focusing on any curriculum or book. These practical activities will be created by the teachers themselves according to their experiences and the regional psychology of the children. The greed for a reward is more active in a child's memory capacity than fear, so the punishment should include only outward resentment. In the same way, when a child makes a mistake, praise will encourage them. Some things can be useful to memorize; But more than that, it is important to understand through practical practice rather than through speech. Remember that if children are made agents instead of scholars, they will be able to accept more. Read my article Interesting Educational Activities for details.

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