Establishing Consequences

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Establishing Consequences

Consequences are environmental stimuli that increase or decrease the probability that a behaviour will occur again. Teachers should establish consequences that will either reinforce or redirect behaviour. Furthermore, rewards and punishment should be selected that match the significance or meaningfulness of the exhibited action. 


Every one of our students will sometimes make mistakes or do the wrong thing at the wrong time. All your students are learners and learning will teach them what a mistake is and what a wrong doing is.

Logical Consequences

  1. One of the best ways to teach our students to accept responsibility for their mistakes and behavior is to use logical consequences, instead of punishment.
  2. Logical consequences are intended to teach students the how’s and whys of good decisions, rather than making them sorry for making a bad choice. 
  3. When the consequence is related, reasonable and delivered respectfully, the child is able to make the connection with his or her own behaviour and is less likely to resist or deny responsibility.
  4. The goal of logical consequences is to help children develop internal understanding, self-control and a desire to follow the rules. Makes sense, doesn’t it?

Positive interventions to limit negative behaviour in difficult students

  1. You break it, you will fix it
  2. Check them frequently
  3. Stay in close proximity to the student
  4. Walk around the class
  5. Provide written procedures on the desk
  6. Inform the students their role & obligation
  7. Assign them as a leader in a small group
  8. Call home at tea for good behaviour
  9. Praise when desired behaviour occurs
  10. Be sure to model and teach desired behaviour
  11. When students are representing in the class good behaviour use them as a model for the other students
  12. Appreciation should be specific and has merit

Award and Plenty against Misbehaviour

We can divide the types of punishment according to the following categories of "Misbehaviour".  The degree of punishment and reward will also be decided according to the nature of "Misbehaviour".
  1. Mild Level
  2. Moderate
  3. Extensive

Mild Level


  1. Smile
  2. Compliment
  3. A cheery note/picture/star
  4. Small prize
  5. Clapping


  1. Eye contact
  2. Have student state rule broken
  3. Change the seats
  4. Isolation
  5. Confiscation of forbidden objects or notes
  6. Verbal warning



  1. Posting good work
  2. Positive note to parents
  3. Special privileges
  4. Attribution on class board
  5. Introduction to other classes
  6. Gifts (Toffees/Copy Cover etc.)


  1. Staying after school
  2. Loss of privileges
  3. Call to parents
  4. Isolation in special room
  5. Lose recess minutes
  6. Loss of involvement in the desired activities
  7. Independence in the classroom



  1. Honorary field trips
  2. Recognition at annual award day
  3. Write up in school web site/face book/twitter/newspaper
  4. Trip to principal's office


  1. Loss of special class event (e.g., field trip)
  2. Private discussion with the student
  3. Call home
  4. Guidance referral
  5. Peer mediation
  6. Office Referral

Establishing Consequences

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